
miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

Presentation of DOMIPEX: a collaborative J-AIL project

We are launching this "Project AIL" section of the Youth-AIL Blog to keep you informed about all the news. Advances and documents will be post here to allow you to actively participate in the development of the project and enrich it with your ideas and experience.

First of all, we want to introduce a little bit of ourselves. We are both PhD students at the Departament d'Ecologia de la Universitat de Barcelona in the final year of our studies. Ada's work is focused in stream ecology and biogeochemistry with major emphasis on applications of stables isotopes. Núria's main research field is the biogeochemical cycling of dissolved organic matter in Mediterranean systems.
We want to thank the AIL to give us the opportunity of coordinate this project. However, without your collaboration this project will not become a reality! We would like to count with the active participation of all the J-AIL members from the very beginning of the project.
This project aims to study the response of dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics to experimental additions of DOC additions in a wide range of streams during contrasting discharge periods (basal flow conditions and after a high-flow event). The project will start in November and will last for one year and a half.
There is no need to be a biogeochemist! The objective is to develop a final protocol as clear as possible to be applied by any limnologist, regardless your initial field of expertise. The only way to do so is gathering the maximum number of ideas, experiences and potential synergies among peninsular researchers.

You can propose a couple of study sites and we'll discuss the idoneity once the team is defined. Ideally, we were seeking for streams:
- in mid-altitude range
- with low discharge
- calcareous lithology.
- not affected by morphological alterations
- preferably, with previous data information available

But we can modify it altogether once we know the participants and their possibilities. We have created a POLL to be filled in order to collect basic information of the sites.

The main aim of the project is the interaction among J-AIL members, it can be a cool experiment and we'll have fun doing it!!

Ada and Núria