
miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

2a convocatoria de proyectos colaborativos para J-AIL

The Iberian Limnological Association (AIL) launches the second call for Jóvenes‐AIL Projects with the primary goal of promoting scientific networking among young researchers of the AIL (Jóvenes‐AIL, hereafter J‐AIL) and to create synergistic interactions that lead to new knowledge on limnology.
Although many scientific advances result from the application of novel and often expensive techniques, collaboration among multiple scientists still allows for planning innovative experiments with relatively minor budgets. These collaborative projects have the potential for combining outstanding research with networking, and thus can be very interesting for scientists in early career stages. The projects submitted to this call should aim original research on any aspect of the ecology of inland waters and involve as many members of J‐AIL from different institutions as possible. Projects relying on an original and well‐designed use of inexpensive and simple methodology and favoring multidisciplinary interactions among J‐AIL, might have higher chances of being selected.

You can find here the complete call and the form.

For any doubts do not hesitate to contact us!

1 comentario:

Xavier dijo...

Hi colleagues!

I'm posting just to say that I would like to collaborate in the next J-AIL projects call. I'm able to get involved with some of you to start with scientific ideas regarding ecological indicators of aquatic ecosystems at different spatial scales. Also, I would be happy to help in any project that young researchers have already started to prepare for this second call.

So don't hesitate to contact me:

Thank you very much,
