Hola JI-AIL,
Quería compartir con vosostros un hallazgo en relación al taller sobre redacción de artículos científicos que hicimos en el Montseny.
Ahora mismo estoy inmerso en esta tarea de escribir, y he encontrado un libro-manual que me esta gustando mucho. Creo que puede ser de gran ayuda para cualquiera de nosotros, así que aquí dejo la referencia:
Título: Successful Scientific Writing. A step-by-step guide for the biological and medical sciences (2nd Ed).
Autores: Janice R. Matthews, John M. Bowen, Robert W. Matthews
Editorial: Cambridge University Press
Espero que sea de utilidad, un saludo a todos.
José M.
1 comentario:
También es interesante el siguiente:
For Researchers with English as a Foreign Language
by Jen Tsi Yang (University of California, San Francisco)
This book is aimed at researchers who need to write clear and understandable manuscripts in English. Today, English is the official language of international conferences and most important publications in science and technology are written in English. Therefore, learning how to write in English has become part of the researcher's task. The book begins by discussing constructs of the English language such as sentence structure and word use. It then proceeds to discuss the style and convention used in scientific publications. Some of the topics covered include: Planning of a Manuscript; Authorship; References; Tables and Figures; Submission to a Journal; Production Schedules.
This book is written at such a level that the reader should not have to resort to a dictionary. It includes many examples and exercises to clarify the rules and guidelines presented.
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