Dear all,
My name is Diego Fernández and I'm doing a PhD at the Koblenz-Landau University in Germany. I'm studying the effect of fungicides and climate change on organic matter decomposition in stream. Previously I've worked in The Environmental Hydraulics Institute "IH Cantabria", wgere I've participated in several projects dealing with freshwater ecosystems. My research interest are anthropogenic stressors in freshwater ecosystems, river ecology and metabolism, river hydrogeomorphology, spatial ecological modelling, riparian forest characterization and functioning and management of fluvial ecosystems.
More information about me and my current research project is available in these websites:;jsessionid=929EFB58C92B4C22B99651796569131F?context=projekt&id=216374258&module=gepris&task=showDetail
Finally, I congratulate Ada and Núria for this interesting project. I'm glad to collaborate on it and a bit afraid of being the 13th participant ;)
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