
sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

DOMIPEX TEAM 11) Lluís and Biel

Hello everybody! 

We are Biel and Lluís (Team 11) from the University of Barcelona (UB).
We are currently working on carbon biogeochemistry and ecosystem functioning in streams, lakes and small reservoirs. More specifically, we are investigating the changes in aquatic metabolism and greenhouse gas emissions along a Mediterranean river network characterised by intense damming (Fluvià river, NE of Catalunya).

As Txell, Joan Pere and Rafa (from team number 7), we are all members of the project CARBONET, which aims to understand how fluvial systems shape the fate of carbon from headwaters to the ocean.

We would like to thank our PI’s Ada and Núria for leading this exciting project!!


Lluís and Biel

miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

DOMIPEX TEAM 6) Edurne, Tamara and Alexia

Hi all again!

We are Edurne, Tamara and Alexia (from left to right) and we constitute group 6. We are all PhD students working at the Hydraulic Institute of Cantabria (IH Cantabria) in Santander as part of the freshwater ecosystem group. The group's main interests are the determination of the ecosystem's resilience mechanisms (biophysical) that keep them functioning, as well as their biodiversity (services), and how these are modified when faced with natural or anthropogenic disturbances.

Edurne is about to start her PhD focused on the effects of land use changes in the metabolism and food webs in stream ecosystems.
Tamara is finishing her PhD the following year on models of aquatic ecosystem water quality related to stream metabolism.
Alexia’s PhD is about the development and application of statistical models for predicting the distribution of different stream organisms’ populations.
You can check more information about our group in:
Finally, congratulations to Ada and Núria for the project! We’re pleased to be part of it!

Edurne, Tamara and Alexia

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

DOMIPEX TEAM 4) Núria and Pablo


We are Núria & Pablo, DOMIPEX team 4. We are doing our thesis in fluvial ecology at the Departament d'Ecologia of the Universitat de Barcelona (the same as Ada and Núria! Yes, we are department-mates!).

Núria’s PhD is about the relationship between emerging pollutants and invertebrate community and functioning in Iberian basins (Llobregat, Ebro, Júcar and Guadalquivir). Her PhD is part of the SCARCE project (“Assessing and predicting effects on water quantity and quality in Iberian rivers caused by global change”). She has also worked in a non-polluted stream, studying the leaf litter breakdown process, analyzing the changes in leaf litter stoichiometry and invertebrate dynamics during the process.
If you want to know more about the SCARCE project, check out here:

Pablo’s thesis focuses on wildfire long-term effects in streams, mainly about top-down effects of an endangered fish (Barbus merdionalis) that was locally extinct due to a wildfire. He works on macroinvertebrate ecology in Mediterranean streams, stream food webs, wildfire effects on freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity-ecosystem functions relationships. Take a look at his research group webpage!

Thanks Ada & Núria for letting us participate in DOMIPEX project!!!

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

DOMIPEX team 12) Sílvia and Anna

Hi everyone!
We are Sílvia and Anna (Team 12) and we are both members of the Fluvial Biogeochemistry research group (University of Barcelona), where we are pursuing our PhD in the effects of riparian forests on hydrological resources and nitrogen dynamics.
In particular, Sílvia’s thesis focuses on the effect of riparian trees on groundwater hydrological resources and riparian soil nitrogen availability, whereas Anna’s thesis involves the effect of riparian zone on catchment hydrology, stream nitrogen dynamics and catchment nitrogen exports.
Finally (but not less important) we thank Núria and Ada for giving us the opportunity of participate to DOMIPEX project; it is so exiting!
Merry Christmas and a Happy DOMIPEX Year!!

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

DOMIPEX TEAM 9) Carlos and Pau

Hello everyone!

We’re Carlos and Pau and participate in DOMIPEX project as team 9. We’re both doing our PhD thesis in lake ecology. In particular, Carlos focuses his work on denitrification and Pau is interested on the stoichiometrical relationships between nutrients and algae. We study high altitude lakes within the context of the Limnological Obsevatory of the Pyrenees (LOOP).

Here there's more information:

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

DOMIPEX TEAM 2) Marisa and Ruben

Hi all!!!,

We are Marisa and Ruben and we constitute the team 2.

We are working in the freshwater ecology lab at the University of Murcia. Our research is basically focused on different aspects of river functionality, such as nutrient retention and organic matter decomposition, in streams draining semiarid landscapes. Most of these streams are naturally saline and they are subjected to strong drought periods. For that, a great part of our studies especially aim to know how water salinity and flow intermittency interact the way of either nutrients or carbon are processed.

Ruben has just starting his thesis. His thesis focuses on stream organic matter decomposition and metabolism in saline streams. He has also worked with stream nutrient limitation aspects using nutrient diffusing substrata in aquatic biofilms.

Marisa is currently preparing the defence of her PhD, which is based on the analysis of nitrogen retention and the environmental factors involved. She has studied biogeochemical processes such as denitrification and nitrification in lab assays and also nutrient retention through solute additions in field experiments.

It is great to be part of such a interesting project. Thanks to Ada and Nuria for this excellent proposal.

If someone is interested in knowing more, you can reach us by e-mail



We are looking forward to meet you in the next AIL meeting.

All the best for your research

Ruben and Marisa

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

DOMIPEX TEAM 10) Marta Reyes

Hi everyone!

Looks like no one dares to continue with the presentations! So I am the next one; I’m Marta Reyes (“group” 10) and I work as a Scientific Assistant at the Swiss Federal institute of Aquatic Science (EAWAG) – Thanks Ada and Nuria for allowing “international” collaboration  I am very glad to take part in this project!. I’m an aquatic ecologist interested in the general patterns in aquatic food-web dynamics and ecosystem responses as well as in their responses to global environmental change and human impacts.

I am currently working on the Ecoimpact project, where we aim to study the effects of micropollutants discharging from waste water treatment plants in the structure and function of natural aquatic ecosystems.
Feel free to check our website if you want to know more!

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

DOMIPEX TEAM 13) Diego Fernández

Dear all,

My name is Diego Fernández and I'm doing a PhD at the Koblenz-Landau University in Germany. I'm studying the effect of fungicides and climate change on organic matter decomposition in stream. Previously I've worked in The Environmental Hydraulics Institute "IH Cantabria", wgere I've participated in several projects dealing with freshwater ecosystems. My research interest are anthropogenic stressors in freshwater ecosystems, river ecology and metabolism, river hydrogeomorphology, spatial ecological modelling, riparian forest characterization and functioning and management of fluvial ecosystems.

More information about me and my current research project is available in these websites:;jsessionid=929EFB58C92B4C22B99651796569131F?context=projekt&id=216374258&module=gepris&task=showDetail

Finally, I congratulate Ada and Núria for this interesting project. I'm glad to collaborate on it and a bit afraid of being the 13th participant ;)



lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

DOMIPEX team 1) Celia Ruiz

Here you have the first presentation of one of the participants in DOMIPEX:

Hi!! My name is Celia Ruiz and I am doing my PhD in the Spanish National Museum of Natural Sciences, Madrid. We are studying biogeochemical processes of the Nitrogen Cycle in freshwaters. For that, we use stable isotopes additions (15N and 13C) and trace their ways in the ecosystem (lakes and streams).

I am really interested in the ecology of the freshwaters: metabolism, trophic links and the impacts of human to these ecosystems.

More information about our work in these websites:

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013


We are pleased to show you the initial team that will be working at the DOMIPEX project!
If you are interested we will be able to add people until the end of the month!

Group Participants and Institution
1 Celia Ruiz, Spanish National Museum of Natural Sciences, Madrid
2 Marisa Arce Sanchez, Universidad de Múrcia
3 Filipa Filipe and Mario Ferreira, CIBIO,(Univ. Porto);Jardim Botânico Tropical (IICT)
4 Pablo Rodríguez and Núria de Castro, Universitat de Barcelona
5 Maria Feio, Sónia Serra and Raquel Calapez, Universidade de Coimbra
6 Tamara Rodríguez Castillo, Alexia María González Ferreras and Edurne Estévez Caño, IH Universidad de Cantabria
7 Lluís Gómez Gener, Joan Pere, Txell Abril and Rafa Marcé, ICRA, Girona
8 Ibon Aristi, Lorea Flores and Maite Arroita, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
9 Pau Giménez Grau and Carlos Palacín, CEAB-CSIC, Girona
10 Marta Reyes, EAWAG, Dübendorf, Switzerland
11 Biel Obrador, Universitat de Barcelona
12 Sílvia Poblador and Anna Lupon, Universitat de Barcelona
13 Diego Fernández, University of Koblenz, Germany

We would like to thank all the participants, we'll keep you updated about them! Do not lose the track!

Ada and Núria

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

PhD positions at Helmholtz-Zentrum

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) with its 1,100 employees has gained an excellent reputation as an international competence centre for environmental sciences. We are part of the largest scientific organisation in Germany, the Helmholtz community. Our mission: Our research seeks to find a balance between social development and the long-term protection of our natural resources.

The Department of Hydrogeology is offering the following vacancy within the EU funded Initial Training Network project “Ecohydrological interfaces as critical hotspots for transfor-mations of ecosystem exchange fluxes and biogeochemical cycling” (INTERFACES) as of 1st February 2014:

PhD student - Early Stage Researcher (m/f)
Limited to 3 years

Subject: Development of optical sensors for measuring dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide at sediment-water interfaces

Your duties:
▪ Development, test and application of optical sensors for measuring dissolved oxygen as time-variant key parameter that controls the spatial fluctuations of aerobic/anaerobic zones at interfaces such as hyporheic and riparian zones
▪ Application of these sensors in different field conditions in collaboration wit the fellows at the partner institutes

Your profile:
▪ Master´s degree in environmental sciences, environmental engineering, chemistry or related subjects with a strong background in optical sensor techniques and basic knowledge in electrical engineering
▪ Knowledge in flow and solute transport in porous media
▪ excellent communication skills, capacity for teamwork, flexibility and an interest in interdisciplinary research

Marie Curie requirements for this position:
▪ The applicants should have less than 4 years full-time equivalent research experience from the award of the degree which entitles them to undertake a doctorate
▪ Applicants can be of any nationality but at the time of selection must not have resided or carried out their main activity (e.g. work or studies) in Germany for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the starting date of the fellowship

We offer:
▪ Excellent technical facilities which are without parallel
▪ The freedom you need to bridge the difficult gap between basic research and close to being ready for application
▪ Work in inter-disciplinary, multinational teams
▪ Excellent links with national and international research networks
▪ Excellent support and optimal subject-specific and general training with our HIGRADE graduate school
▪ Salary, working hours and terms of employment will be in accordance with the Marie Curie rules of the European Commission (

Your application:
We look forward to receiving your full e-mail- application quoting the reference 98/2013 at

für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig

Closing date for applications: 31.12.2013

Equal opportunities are an integral part of our personnel policy, we therefore particularly welcome applications from qualified women. Severely disabled persons are given priority where applicants are equally qualified.

Your contact for any questions you may have about the job:
Christian Schmidt
Tel.: 0341/235-1986

Place of work: Leipzig[ske_stl_id]=1618&coma4_data[ske_seite]=detail

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

IWA Watershed and River Basin Management 2014

Colgamos el anuncio de esta conferencia que nos hizo llegar Teresa Camarero. Gracias!

Call for Contributions for the 13th IWA Specialist Conference on Watershed and River Basin Management

Join experts from around the world on 9-14 September 2014 in beautiful San Francisco, California to network, explore, and discuss cutting edge issues related to sustainable watershed management, with a special focus on emerging issues related to watersheds and river basin management. Conference topics will include impacts of climate change on watershed management, delta and estuary ecosystems, water quality impacts of hydraulic fracturing, harmful algae blooms, environmental impact of large water projects, irrigated agriculture, and more.

We invite submissions of 300 word abstracts for contributed oral and poster presentations at the 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Watershed and River Basin Management. The deadline for paper submission is 15 December 2013.

Contributed oral presentations are allotted 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions, and will be placed in thematic sessions scheduled Wednesday morning to Thursday afternoon. By submitting an abstract, it is expected that authors will be available during any of these time slots. Posters will be displayed during the entire conference, and authors are expected to present their posters during scheduled poster sessions.

Selected papers will be peer-reviewed for publication in IWA peer reviewed journals Water Science and Technology, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, or Water Practice and Technology.

Students planning to present at the meeting who are interested can sign up to have their presentations judged and the top presentations will be given an award.

Additional information on the conference can be found at or IWA website.

Graduate and Post-doc paleoecology positions with PalEON

We will start to post some work offers and grants. If you heard about something that might be of interest, please let us know and we'll add a post!
Here it goes the first one:

PalEON, an NSF-funded PaleoEcological Observatory Network to Assess
Terrestrial Ecosystem Models (, is looking for highly
qualified graduate and post-doc candidates interested in working with an
interdisciplinary team of statisticians, paleoecologists, ecosystem
modelers, and climate scientists. Graduate positions are available at the
University of Idaho and the University of Notre Dame. Post-doc positions
available at University of Arizona.

University of Idaho

Work at the University of Idaho focuses on understanding ecosystem change in
boreal forests of Alaska. Specifically, the successful student will utilize
paleoecology, dendrochronology, and varying modeling approaches to (1)
quantify the patterns and causes of boreal fire regime variability over the
past 2000 years, (2) quantify the impacts of climate variability on tree
growth over the past several centuries, and (3) help assimilate these data
into ecosystem models to project ecosystem response to future climate
change. Details about Dr. Higuera’s lab and graduate position can be found
at: and
Review of applications begins November 1, 2013 and the position will remain
open until a suitable candidate is found.

University of Notre Dame
The University of Notre Dame is looking for 1-2 highly motivated PhD
students with strong ecological and quantitative skills interested in
bridging between long-term data, statistics and modeling. Projects will
fall within the PalEON general approach of validating and improving
ecosystem models through the inclusion of information from historical and
paleoecological data spanning the last 2000 years. Details about Dr.
McLachlan’s lab and applying for the positions can be found at: and
Applications are due January 5, 2014.

University of Arizona
2 Assistant Research Positions are available with Dr. Moore’s laboratory in
the School of Natural Resources.
The first position is focused on long term controls of vegetation and the
paleoecological reconstruction of the carbon cycle in the Northeast USA and
The second position will focus on ecophysiological processes controlling
carbon uptake and storage in forest ecosystems from daily, seasonal to
inter-annual timescales.
For details and to apply:

miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

Presentation of DOMIPEX: a collaborative J-AIL project

We are launching this "Project AIL" section of the Youth-AIL Blog to keep you informed about all the news. Advances and documents will be post here to allow you to actively participate in the development of the project and enrich it with your ideas and experience.

First of all, we want to introduce a little bit of ourselves. We are both PhD students at the Departament d'Ecologia de la Universitat de Barcelona in the final year of our studies. Ada's work is focused in stream ecology and biogeochemistry with major emphasis on applications of stables isotopes. Núria's main research field is the biogeochemical cycling of dissolved organic matter in Mediterranean systems.
We want to thank the AIL to give us the opportunity of coordinate this project. However, without your collaboration this project will not become a reality! We would like to count with the active participation of all the J-AIL members from the very beginning of the project.
This project aims to study the response of dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics to experimental additions of DOC additions in a wide range of streams during contrasting discharge periods (basal flow conditions and after a high-flow event). The project will start in November and will last for one year and a half.
There is no need to be a biogeochemist! The objective is to develop a final protocol as clear as possible to be applied by any limnologist, regardless your initial field of expertise. The only way to do so is gathering the maximum number of ideas, experiences and potential synergies among peninsular researchers.

You can propose a couple of study sites and we'll discuss the idoneity once the team is defined. Ideally, we were seeking for streams:
- in mid-altitude range
- with low discharge
- calcareous lithology.
- not affected by morphological alterations
- preferably, with previous data information available

But we can modify it altogether once we know the participants and their possibilities. We have created a POLL to be filled in order to collect basic information of the sites.

The main aim of the project is the interaction among J-AIL members, it can be a cool experiment and we'll have fun doing it!!

Ada and Núria